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In 1997, fung wah lines began operating services between rateCurbside cut-Chinatown new York and boston. Just a few years later, many competitors popping up for Chinese immigranst shuttle from city to city co. East Coast. These days, young workers face high rent cultural and teaching position of ownership of the rare songs that move in search of work. Last year, the artists and writers dushko petrovich, who lives in brooklyn but taught at several schools in New England, launching additional commuting weekly, a newsletter for nomads like her instructor. Kickstarter campaign success and the next media sensation suggested he hit a chord with a large demographic. With every city in the Northeast only fifteen dollars a ticket, cheap bus Chinatowns can be unacknowledged glue holding together the world economy is performing arts. This March, flux factory, a program and a performance was held in queens, fung wah bus, biennial exhbition twenty-five artists who make site-specific work for on the move. (Fung Wah stops operations in 2015 after years of federal govermment figthing over a security breach that famous title chosen, bur in honor of the legendary status of the company as a pioneer in travel no-frills intercity bus.) By the time I boarded the philadelphia-bound bus to the second annual walk with fifty-some other pasengers, I chatted with those who had been on the previous week's trip to boston. Sometimes, they said, was transcendent. A high point was the arrogant life, performances by the New York-based artist sunita which prased, where her body RACKBIKE passed from one other passengers from the top front of the scats bus into the back of a trip to philadelphia will be much shorter. Like the biennial rolled into the canal street artists got right to work. Verstappen based in Toronto marjan, impeccably dressed as a stewardess in the 1950s, running up and down in the hallway, pass out soda homemade bitter cocktail of alcohol and a dishcloth seltzer and claasy printed with fung wah logo. Verstappern's performance of the hospitality was so out of place in the usually bare-bones chinatown bus brought to mind an era of luxury consumers postware and lost future free time once promised. Northeast travel Agecy Everyhere, installation on the back of the bus, instead of lowering expectations aroused now. Much of the work presented at the beginning of the trip encourages interaction between passeenger. It soon became clear, though, that some of the passengers is performance. I really liked the marco castro cosio quiet and unseen Tableau vivant. When we emerged from the holland tunnel to my own phone started fast with the ping performance by ariel Abrahams rony Euphrates which took the form of a text-winding massage and conversation on love and Ski. Like a lot of art on the bus, this piece and milner who can be clasified as social practice, is intended for public spaces activace, however, simultaneicity text conversations and noisy performance milner's suggests a more general confusion about which public spaces can be found today. The ride certainly provides us with memories that are strange but curiously indelible return to us later as fragments of a dream. When I think about the Biennale now, I remember the view of the Harbour Bridge to jersey and railyards from Highway bridgest, container ships and cargo in the shadow of manhattan's skyline, and a slow transition from camden to the world of burning old money downtown philadelphia-all a glimpse beyond the reflection of cosio, plugged into the bus in the changing landscape and the economy of the Northeast while asking us to consider a mix of physical and rootlessness curiuos digital connection that increasingly marks an era when we seem to be constantly in motion through time and space without never arriving anywhere new.



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the film that there's a little picture of my high school time

assalammualaikum, wr. wb.  at a meeting of the four I get a task titled What movie best describes your life? on this task I would say honestly and incidentally there is one film that very illustrating during my high school This movie I really like, with her story that is very impressive.  American romantic drama film starring Afgan and Maudy Ayunda it is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Winna  Efendi. The film tells the story of friendship Niki and Nata. But it turns out that exceed the friendship should be. NATA secretly harboring feelings more than companions to Niki. Until finally the Nata have to go abroad and her love still hasn't been carried on Niki. well with the existence of this film, there's a little story that I experienced almost the same story, nata and niki, nata leaving niki abroad, whereas I parted out the area,  was originally just a friend, but I have a feeling more like nata, perhaps with split up complet...
